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We work with physicians, doctors and practices to provide lab testing and technology solutions that increase their bottom lines. We are family owned and operated in Jacksonville, Florida, but we’re positioned to serve the medical industry nationwide. Our team of representatives have worked with hundreds of physicians to help them increase revenue, while improving their patient experiences. How do we do this? By utilizing best in class technology and business practices that result in a practice that is more profitable, employees that are less stressed and patients that are happier. Our goal at Alpha 7 Medical is simple - to do things better.

About Us

We Believe

  • Patient experiences and service are the heartbeat of practice longevity

  • Minority doctors can increase their bottom lines, while increasing overall value

  • Minority doctors can increase their bottom lines, while decreasing costs

  • Medical treatments should be curated, but highly efficient

  • We don’t hassle you for things you don’t need, we trust the experts

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